Affordable. Custom Website Design Services. Effective Marketing Platform.
We offer custom website design services to small business clients in Merritt Island, Florida and around the world. We know what it takes to build custom website designs that are both user and search engine friendly, and we use proven design and development techniques to ensure your new website will satisfy both.
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[service icon=”moon-palette” title=”Clean Web Designs” size=”32″] Your new website will be designed using a clean style that will focus the visitors attention on your business and the products/services you offer.
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[service icon=”moon-rocket” title=”Fast Page Loads” size=”29″] We build websites that load quickly. If your site loads too slow, no one is happy. The potential customer looks for another site and you lose a sale.
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[service icon=”moon-facebook” title=”Get Social” size=”29″] We are more than happy to integrate social media links into the design of your website, just provide us with your account names and we will take care of it.
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All Website Designs Include These Pages
- Custom Designed Home Page: This is often the first page potential clients/customers will see, it needs to present your products/services in a good light, while encouraging the visitor to click through to other pages. A custom website design that looks great will encourage visitors to surf deeper into your site where they can learn more about your company and the products and/or services you offer.
- Contact Us Page: This page allows visitors to contact you via email, without exposing your email address to spammers. The submitted form can be sent to any email address you choose.
- About Us Page: This is where you tell your customers about your company, your products and/or services, your staff and what sets you apart from other companies in your industry.
- Privacy Policy Page: This is a must in today’s information age, customers and search engines want to know that you take your visitors privacy seriously.
- Products/Services Page: For products, services or information. These pages are typically used for maps, special announcements, product or service descriptions etc.
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All Website Designs Include These Features
- Website Layout: The overall look of the website is determined. In this phase we choose the colors, theme, layout and navigational structure. Images, logos and other materials are created and/or formatted for use on your site.
- Graphics Optimization: Images used in the design of your website are optimized for use on the Web, to provide the best balance between quality and load time.
- Meta-Tags: We insert properly formatted meta-tags into the head of every page to ensure it will be indexed properly by the major search engines, and important details about your company are displayed on the search results page.
- Text Formatting: Heading tags, use of bold lettering and font colors are carefully selected and applied using standard fonts. Choosing a font such as Arial, Verdana or Times New Roman, will make your text easier to read, as well as ensure that it will appear correctly in all popular Web browsers.
- One Free Proof: After you have the opportunity to view your new website for the first time you may request minor changes be made. Additional website maintenance is available at any time for a reasonable fee.
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[heading]More Services[/heading]
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Website Development Services
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Solutions for Every Situation
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Small Business Specialists
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[heading]The Advantage[/heading]
[list icon=”moon-checkbox” color=”#027a22″]Fast, clean web designs[/list]
[list icon=”moon-checkbox” color=”#027a22″]Affordable small business solutions[/list]
[list icon=”moon-checkbox” color=”#027a22″]An effective marketing platform[/list]
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[heading]Client speaking[/heading]
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