A travel blog website allows you to post articles, photos, videos and reviews of places you and your contributors have visited. You have the ability to assign additional authors and set permissions for individual accounts, which allows you to restrict any account you choose from performing certain functions such as comment moderation or making changes to the website. The amount of access you allow is up to you and changes can be made at any time to any account you create for authors and contributors to your blog.
[heading]Managing Your Travel Blog Website[/heading]
The admin dashboard gives you total control over every aspect of your blog website including updates, categories, posts, comment reviews and user roles. Managing your travel blog could not be easier using the wide range of tools we provide to help you make the most of your new website. You can add pages, posts, categories, image galleries, event calendars and more in just minutes. A variety of custom add-ons are available by request to further extend the capabilities of your travel blog website.
[heading]Add Stunning Photos and Videos[/heading]
Adding pictures to your travel blog website is easy and will add a great deal of visual impact to your posts, engaging your readers and transporting them thousands of miles away to a beautiful white sand beach, with a cool breeze blowing in from the ocean as they relax in the warm sunshine.